all about VENUS ♀
she who allures - light bringer -
friday - nocturnal - cold - moist - femme - - sweet
key words
love, friendship, the arts, expressions of culture, kindness, pleasure, warm reception, tenderness, affection, beauty, desires, social affairs, comforts, an individual's best behavior, common ground, social graces, companionship, social needs, fineworks and craftsmanship, unification, harmony, the magnetic factor
what i know about VENUS
- shows where and how a person obtains what is pleasurable/affirming/self representitive
- brotherhood born of conflict
- must not forget relation to war goddesses
- aggressive emotional expression, outgoing nature, demands for attention, burns hot and fast, lack of refinement, lost in the heat haze, animal passion, bodice ripping, easily obssessed and easily disinterested
- lady gaga, sigmund freud, wes anderson
- highly developed sense of touch, passively sensual, attract rather than pursue, rich voice, material expressions of joy and sorrow, investment in indulgences, creatures of comfort, reminder to enjoy the physcial
- henry viii, kanye west (conj mars), karl marx, melania trump, prince
- vast variety of romantic experiences, curiousity about partners, superficial,
- adele, cathrine the great, elon musk, kendrick lamar
- deeply sensitive, fluctuating moods, needs demonstrated affection, delicate, tendency to sulk, baked goods, nurturing lover, mommy issues
- angelina jolie, carl jung, donald trump,
- theatrical behavior, great deal of social and personal pride, primadonna, vivid color, dramatic courtships, snobbishness, show off, self obsessed, unforgettable performance
- nicole kidman
- overanalytical of emotions, understanding the beauty of an item only after its full disection, repelled by uncouthness, pruning shears, reserved, repressed housewife, pleasure in precision, domesticated
- kamala harris,
- harmony prioritized above all, conventionally attractive, socialite, community calendar keeper, maintenance of social contract
- bernie sanders, klaus kinski
- unconventional self medication, pushing limits, "beauty" of oil on water, both ends of the sexual extremes spectrum
- demi moore (rg and conj sun), drake (rg), jodie foster (rg), winona ryder
- attracted to arguing/debate, smart is sexy, flighty, living in the artistic vision
- hayao miyazaki, walter knott
- not diverting from personal preference, pleasure dom, trad/nuclear family, refined decadence
- chappell roan, david lynch (conj sun), nicholas holt, steve jobs, walt disney
- jrr tolkein, pope francis
- peaceseeker, mermaids, surrendering to the waves
aries- detriment
virgo- fallen
libra- domicile
scorpio- detriment
boop beep bap
all about TAURUS
earth - fixed - femme
taurus decan I - ♀ ☿ - 5 of pentacles
taurus decan II - ♀ ☾ - 6 of pentacles
taurus decan III - ♀ ♄ - 7 of pentacles
boop beep bap
all about LIBRA
air - cardinal - masc
libra decan I - ♀ ☾ - 2 of swords
libra decan II - ♀ ♄ - 3 of swords
libra decan III - ♀ ♃ - 4 of swords
boop beep bap