all about MOON
she who nurishes - - the high pristess
monday - nocturnal - cold - moist - femme - silver/light shades - salty
key words
intuition, visions, maternity, deliveries, regular cycles, hoax, public contact, unconscious side of personality, the reaction/response to external stimuli, herd instict to find safety in numbers, maternal figures, emotional security, vulnerability, the past, nostalgia, conception, living together, the feminine, the goddess, wanderings, feundication, the foreigner, liquid assets, the slave, exchange, folktale
what i know about the moon
- the impressions/memories/intuitions that stick with a person
- speaks to the state of ones mental faculties
- natal placement and transits can indicate bodily fluxations
- shows rituals and reverance for patterns
- demands ownership of affection to satisfy emotional insecurity
- personal relationships, the only planetary body that orbits the earth
- ardent, independent, hasty actions/reactions, quick to anger, unable to take things seriously, spontaneity, daring and courageous taurus
- gemini
- desire to communicate with others, social chameleon, love to chatter, glib cancer
- everyone's mom leo
- container for optimism virgo
- hypochondriac, libra
- emotional refinement, trying to be everything for everyone, uncomfortable with solitude, elusive sweetness, saying one thing while feeling another, flippant, social themometer scorpio
- withheld intimacy, steel trap, secret loves sagittarius
- drawn to a cause, freedom loving, idealistic, impatient, wild horses want to run free capricorn
- built from the ground up, biggest critic, unwilling to acknowledge personal hardships or hinderous conditions aquarius pisces
- need to escape, sympathy for the devil, critic of cruelty
boop beep bap
all about CANCER
boop beep bap