all about JUPITER ♃

he who expands - the greater benefic - the wheel of fortune

thursday - diurnal - hot - masc - royal tones - sweet - joy in the 11th House

key words

expansion, fullness, elevation, breadth, abundance, height, well being, inflation, excess, broadening, horizons, philosophy, high culture, education, larger wholes, ascension, honors, riches, speculations, law, judges, foreign affairs, rewards, hope, distinction between right and wrong, aspirations, religion and religious fervor, enthusiasm, social "glue", children, relationship to optimism, virtues, the search for truth, passion of the convert, function of nutrition, crazy maker, dramatics, authority, government, adoption, stewardship

what i know about jupiter

  • ♃ transits are generally considered to be benefical
  • caution against overdoing things; where it is in your chart natally there is the potential for things to blow out of proportion
  • "jupiter signifies reaching out to include more of the universe"- r. hand
  • may show what a person collects
  • the dragon's hoard
  • the strike of inspiration
  • luck = preparation +opportunity
  • poor placements: wasted patrimony, dedication to ignorance, abasing oneself in all company, schismatical, carelessnes



  • sextile

  • square

  • trine

  • opposition


  • spark starter
  • taurus
  • home and garden aficionado, extreme decorator
  • kamala harris(r), adele
  • gemini
  • blurting it out, group collaboration, manic mumbling, lookalike contests, misinformation campaigns
  • cancer
  • large families, banquet halls
  • catherine the great,
  • leo
  • talent scout, larger than life personality, famously greedy, collector of collections
  • virgo
  • is that true?,
  • libra
  • an apperance in all groups, beautification expert, makeup/fashion collections, home museum
  • carl jung, david lynch, donald trump(r), bonnie parker
  • scorpio
  • macabre interests
  • elon musk(r),
  • sagittarius
  • pursuit of external knowledge, needs blinders to stay on track, the questor, high religious apointments
  • capricorn
  • hard to grow in winter soil, antiques, vintage seeker
  • aquarius
  • online emissary,
  • pisces
  • pursuit of internal knowledge, sees all because they spend the time to absorb the whole picture, esoteric philosopher
  • chappell roan, demi moore, drake (r)

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all about PISCES

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